"Tatting Patterns" Available on RustiKate Etsy Shop...

Friday, June 3, 2016

Wedding Dress - Dress it up With Tatting!

This upcycle wedding/white dress, is dressed up even more by the subtle embellishment of tatting, pearls, and vintage jewelry. I love working tatting into every project possible. Even the most subtle tatted touches, can be fabulous!

Style: 1950's style halter top
Brand: Handmade/upcycled
Color: White
Size: S
Skirt length: 20" (just above the knee)

Material: Cotton fabric, zipper, cotton tatting thread, vintage pearls/jewelry,thread, glue

This dress is also convertible. The tatted lace, vintage jewelry and pearl medallion/broach, was constructed to be easily added or removed, for a customizable look. I love being able to upcycle items like this, it is truly "echo chic" = environmentally friendly! 

Dress is available for a limited time on Etsy.com "Click Here" to see listing




1 comment:

  1. You look amazing! When I got married two years ago in this gorgeous little event space Chicago venues has, I was not too keen on the big and elaborate wedding gowns. I wanted something a little bit more causal and my friend actually came with something like a jumpsuit that looked like a wedding gown.
